Using the online dashboard
Keep track of your tasks and applications
When you login with RealMe®, you’re taken immediately to your online dashboard, making it easy to keep track of your tasks and manage any unfinished business.
The online dashboard has 6 sections:
- Navigation menu
- Quick links
- My Businesses
- My Incomplete Tasks
- My Completed Tasks
- My Reminders
Navigation menu
The navigation menu gives you instant access to the search facility, maintenance services and help centre. Please note that non-logged-in users can also access search and help centre services via the landing and 'Contact us' pages.
Quick links
Use the shortcuts under 'I would like to...' to begin searching a register, or registering a business entity.
My Businesses
At a glance, you can see and select the societies for which you're responsible.
My Incomplete Tasks
This section of your dashboard helps you find and manage outstanding tasks and unfinished applications. Instantly see how many tasks you have to complete.
The 'My Incomplete Tasks' tab displays any outstanding tasks belonging to you or your organisation — for example, a registration that needs to be completed.
Selecting a task from the list takes you directly to the relevant process for continuing or completing that task.
'My Incomplete Tasks' also provides you with updates on the progress of your applications. For example, if one of your applications is currently being reviewed by us.
My Completed Tasks
Instantly see how many tasks you've completed. Click on the tab to view a detailed list of your completed tasks.
My Reminders
If you have a task that needs to be completed by a particular date, a notification will appear under 'My Reminders'. We’ll also send you an email reminder.
Log in and go to your online dashboard
Other guides in
Getting started on the register
- About incorporated societies
- Your responsibilities as an incorporated society
- How to use our services
- Setting up your online services account
- Confirming your authority to manage information