Keeping society details up to date
- Updating your society's contact details on the register - Large and normal banners How to update your society's registered office address and other contact details on the register.
- Updating your society's contact details on the register - Large with CTA How to update your society's registered office address and other contact details on the register.
- Changing your society's rules or constitution - with full accordion blocks How to change your incorporated society's rules, or name.
- Confirming your authority to manage information What’s required to manage a society’s information on the register.
- Filing annual financial statements Filing annual financial statements for your society with the Registrar.
- Updating names to include macrons You can use macrons in your society's name, names of officers and in street names.
- Using our Constitution Builder tool Our Constitution Builder is a ‘do-it-yourself’ online tool for drafting or revising your society’s rules.
- Changing your AGM month and balance date How an incorporated society changes its AGM month or balance date.
- Requesting a correction to the register How to request a correction to the Incorporated Societies Register.