Running your incorporated society
- Your responsibilities What you’re required to do once you’ve registered your society.
- Complying with your society's rules The importance of rules when running an incorporated society.
- Holding meetings The requirements for an incorporated society holding meetings.
- Restrictions on money-making activities What an incorporated society can and can't do with the money it makes.
- Entering into contracts What's required of an incorporated society when entering into contracts.
- Records you should keep Records you'll need to keep as an incorporated society.
- Using our Constitution Builder tool Our Constitution Builder is a ‘do-it-yourself’ online tool for drafting or revising your society’s rules.
Other help topics
Getting started on the register
Searching the Incorporated Societies Register
Starting an incorporated society
Keeping society details up to date
Ending an incorporated society
Restoring an incorporated society to the register
Forms and fees
Managing your online account
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