Managing your online account
- Setting up your online services account Create an online services account for yourself, or on behalf of an organisation.
- Updating your online services account details How to update your organisation and user details for your online services account.
- Confirming your authority to manage information What’s required to manage a society’s information on the register.
- Using the online dashboard Using the online dashboard to manage your tasks and unfinished business.
- Managing your payment options How to manage your payment options.
- Forgotten your RealMe® username or password What to do if you forget your RealMe username or password.
- Filing documents with electronic signatures What you need to know about submitting documents using an electronic signature.
Other help topics
Getting started on the register
Searching the Incorporated Societies Register
Starting an incorporated society
Running your incorporated society
Keeping society details up to date
Ending an incorporated society
Restoring an incorporated society to the register
Forms and fees
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